Chords, melodies, and lyrics for 90 Lost And Found songs!
Each file is saved in portable digital format (pdf). If you cannot read these files, you can simply download the required software, Adobe Acrobat Reader, from the Adobe software site. Once you do that, you will be able to read, but not make any changes to, the file. You can simply print the file, and mark it up as you like. You can print in any size you prefer to make them easy to use.
If you do use this song in a public setting, or if you wish to record it, print large quantities, or project it on a screen for others to sing or play, please consult the "Lyrics" section of our site under "About the band" or call us at 419/897-9792. We make a living, in part, from the copyright royalties on our songs.
Have a great time with the songs!